British Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
The British Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society ( B.A.R.L.S.) was formed in 2ØØ2 by GØSGB, Steve G Bryan.
As one of Britain's most active lighthouse activators and a keen Pharologist he noted that otherLighthouse Societies were solely dedicated to the Lighthouses on their own shorelines and had verylittle to offer on British Lighthouses without making huge demands on your pocket.
This Society caters for the British Lighthouse Enthusiast although any Amateur or SWL is most welcome to join.
(We have many Overseas Members)
As a B.A.R.L.S member you will be entitled to the FREE Lighthouse awards.
Membership is absolutely FREE, with NO annual fees, NO subscription charge, and NO demands on your pocket at all.
It is NOT a business, all YOU will ever pay is the postage.
Should you wish to become an active member of B.A.R.L.S. contact G4GSA by Email or QTHR to receive your FREE membership number.
Membership certificates (printed on leather finish card) and a Members List + General Awardsinformation is available in a membership package which is FREE, but to cover postage & packagingplease send 4 x 1st class stamps (or $5 / 5 Euro) with your application as I do NOT intend to cover any postage costs at all, especially when in this Society almost everything else is FREE!
All correspondence by post to the Society should be accompanied with an SAE if a reply is required.
This is a real hobbyist's society with no aims to make any profit.
Membership Pack Includes
Membership Pack includes
- Membership Certificate
- Members List
- Membership Certificate
Australian Lighthouses
These pages contain a comprehensive list of all significant Australian Lighthouses and other major Oceania
maritime lights. Around 355 in total.
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